Michaela has been getting into everything lately. It is ridiculous how fast this little girl can crawl! I literally will have my attention diverted for 2 seconds, look up and realize she is no longer in the room! Her new favorite game is hide and seek. I will go into a different room and call her name and her job is to come find me. She gets so excited when she turns a corner and sees me standing in front of her. Here are some pictures of the mischief she's been getting into lately.
She decided that she loves hanging out on the dog bed. I might just use one of these instead of a toddler bed. :)
Her latest thing is climbing into boxes. Everytime I turn around she is inside a box or crate.
We are still working on using forks and spoons, but more often than not, she ditches the utensils and uses her fingers (and face!)
This is her "helping" mommy as I cleaned out the refrigerator.
She is fascinated with the dog crate and tries to climb in there whenever I turn my back.
A fool proof way to keep her busy while I cook dinner. The only problem is that I have to reorganize the tupperware after every time.
I have no idea what she was thinking, but she found the bag of potatoes and proceeded to bite or lick every single one.
She is definitely a handful these days! I don't have much news on the baby front. I went to my first pre-natal appointment, but the baby is measuring so small (and I still haven't had a menstrual cycle since Michaela was born), so there was no way to tell how far along I am. We are doing an ultrasound in a couple of weeks to check. My midwife said I felt like I was around 6-8wks, but I always measured several weeks small with Michaela so we really need to double check with the ultrasound. We still plan on not finding out the sex of the baby until it's born. We are trying to get Michaela to understand the concept of "gentle" so that she can be careful around the baby. We also bought her a little baby doll to start taking care of. Does anyone have any advice on how to prepare a 1 year old for a new baby?
I love the picture of her on the dog bed!! And the potato story is hilarious! Nathan would totally do that!
As for suggestions, get some "Mommy is having a baby" books... (where the mom's are having babies and the characters are becoming big brothers/sisters) ... point to your belly and say "baby" a lot ... especially once you get a bump. And the whole doll thing. It's hard to prepare someone so young. That's what we did with Nathan though, he was 16 months when Kaedyn was born
She is sooo cute!
With my oldest, we just talked a lot about the baby and as my belly grew, we encouraged her to talk to the baby and give the baby "kisses"
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